
Our Facilities

IPL is a leading packaging provider, with a well-invested strategically located manufacturing footprint.

We manufacture our products at 10 facilities located in Canada, the U.S.

  • Over 1280 employees
  • 24/7 Operation
  • Eco certification

St-Damien de Buckland, QC

140, Commercial Street,
St Damien de Buckland, Quebec
G0R 2Y0 (Canada)

542,000 square feet
Environment, material handling and bulk packaging (IML)

Lee's Summit, MO

401 SE Thompson Dr,
Lee's Summit, MO
64082 (USA)

234,000 square feet
High volume overcaps and thin wall packaging

Edmundston, NB

20 Rue Boyd,
Edmundston, NB
E3V 4H4 (Canada)

131,000 square feet
Thin wall packaging

Forsyth, Georgia

165 Industrial Park Rd.,  
Forsyth, Georgia,  
31029 (USA)

60, 000 square feet
Bulk packaging and environmental containers

Union Gap, WA

3555 Bay Street
Union Gap, WA
98903-1887, (US)

34 000 square feet building with 330 000 square feet of storage pad
Bulk agricultural bins

Shelbyville, KY

545 Pearce Industrial Road
Shelbyville, KY
40065, (US)

160 000 square feet building with 75 000 square feet of storage pad
Bulk agricultural and collapsible industrial bins


Fairfield, CA

Macro Plastics Corporate Headquarters
2250 Huntington Drive
Fairfield, CA
94533-9732, (USA)

24 000 square feet building with 384 000 square feet of storage pad
Bulk agricultural bins



Dayton, OH

1765, W Country Lind Rd
Urbana, OH
43078 (US)

260,000 square feet
Thin Wall Packaging and Standard Lids and Overcaps


Leominster, MA

40 Francis St
Leominster, MA
01453 (US)

60, 000 square feet
Thin wall 1 to 5 gallon pails for the retail market


Phoenix, AZ

105 41st Avenue
Phoenix, AZ
85009 (US)

80, 000 square feet
5 gallon pails for the retail market